Ali winston


Your New Baby

Whether your little one is 5 days or 5 months, you’ll always want to save their sweet face and be able to look on it (especially on the days that are little crazy). 
Check out some FAQs below to find out about my newborn session experience.

Fresh 48 hospital sessions are great for parents who want to capture the reality of having a new baby without all the frills. Most newborn sessions take place between 5-12 days old if you want the traditional sleepy baby photos and poses. Some parents choose to wait until their baby is a little older, 1 or 2 months, with more personality. It's never too late! Even at 3 months (and beyond) there are special details that you'll want to remember.

When should I take newborn photos?

My newborn poses are more natural - baby in a loose swaddle or onesie. I love posing baby on your bed, in their crib, or in a Moses basket. I bring a selection of blankets and swaddles, but do not include many props or put baby in poses that require someone to hold their head just so. 

What newborn poses do you do?

Babies and kids are always learning new things. If you haven’t already, start a notebook where you can write down milestones and funny things they do and say. I know we use our phones to take pictures daily, but I love having sessions for the following milestones:
3 months (when they start to really round out and smile)
Sitting unassisted (about 6 - 7 months)

What milestones should I capture?